Calvary has a blog!

We’re starting this blog to keep you—the volunteer, donor, or casual non-profit blog surfer—in the loop about Calvary Women’s Services.

If you don’t know already, Calvary is a non-profit organization in Washington, DC, that provides housing and support services to homeless women.  A lot goes on at our three housing programs.  We offer a wide range of services–from nutritious meals to mental health services to skill-building classes– to help women move out of homelessness and into stable housing.

On this blog, we’ll post news and updates about our programs.  We’ll also share some of the women’s successes: sixty percent who come to Calvary move into their own homes.

In addition, we want this blog to educate about broader issues that women at Calvary’s programs face, such as homelessness, mental illness and substance addiction.  We’ll offer our insight about current events that impact the women Calvary serves—from the national debate on health care to the latest research on addiction recovery.

Our blog is meant to start conversations both online and off.  We welcome you to join in by commenting or submitting a post, and if you’re really excited about getting involved with this blog, email to find out how to become a media volunteer.

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October 2, 2024

How to Support Calvary in October

Calvary Women’s Services has numerous opportunities for you and your loved ones to make an impact in the lives of women experiencing homelessness this October as we honor Domestic Violence Awareness…
October 1, 2024

Meet Our Board: President, Caitlin Sickles

Caitlin Sickles accepted the position of President of the Calvary Women’s Services (Calvary) Board of Directors in October 2024 after serving as Vice President for two years and as a member of the…
August 16, 2024

Empowering Survivors of Domestic Violence

Calvary Women’s Services has worked to empower women experiencing homelessness and domestic violence since 1984. During our 40-year history, we’ve seen countless changes to the state of homelessne…