Staff & Board
Kristine Thompson
Chief Executive Officer
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Programs and Services
Fatima Bah
Chief Program Officer
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Keshia Adams
Program Manager, Good Hope Transitional Housing
Venus Brevard
Program Manager, Reach Up
Kisha Bridges-Ward
Case Manager, Sister Circle
Janetta Brooks
Program Manager, Permanent Supportive Housing
Crystal Butcher
Program Manager, New Foundations
Karen Davis
Case Manager, Good Hope Transitional
Katie Gregson
Manager of Education and Programs
Josalyn Herndon
Case Manager, Reach Up
Demetria Jackson
Case Manager, New Foundations
Courtney James
Case Manager, Good Hope Transitional
Emily Miller
Intake Coordinator/Case Manager, Reach Up
Stephanie Patterson
Workforce Manager
Sheryl Perkins
Case Manager, Reach Up
Destiny Traynham
Case Manager, Good Hope Transitional
Jasmine Shackelford
Assistant Program Manager, Reach Up
Michelle Woodall
Lead Residential Assistant, Good Hope Transitional
Tammy Wright
Chief Operations Officer
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Yolanda Torres
Data and Performance Manager
Development and Communications
Kisha James
Chief Development Officer
Lisa Buchs
Senior Director of Institutional Giving
Sarah Cannington
Community Engagement Manager
Allison Kraemer
Development Director
Emily Kubera
Development and Events Associate
Abby Strickler
Communications Director
Finance and Human Resources
Mildred Millien
Chief of Finance and Human Resources
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Board of Directors
Candace McLaren Lanham
Caitlin Sickles
Vice President
Bracewell LLP
Aarti Ravi
The Wilderness Society
Matt Stearns
UnitedHealth Group
Anitra Androh
Leila Babaeva
Natasha Davis-DeBose
DC Department of Behavioral Health
Seantyel Hardy
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Nicole Hilley
Capital One
LaVita LeGrys
Blue Water Thinking
Cinthia Lopez
Kara Mele
DAVIS Construction
Traci Mitchell
Michelle Rice
TV One and CLEO TV
Julia Smith
Baker Tilly
Tina Stow
Kristine Thompson