Friday Round-Up: This week in the news

  • DC’s Street Sense reports: Homeless Advocates Come Together for Solutions
  • The nonprofit Fairfax Area Christian Emergency and Transition Services (FACETS) is piloting a program to move homeless families straight into housing, rather than taking the usual path from motel to shelter to transitional housing.
  • A commentary on how the media further isolates those who are homeless.
  • For every 100 not counted in US Census, community loses approximately $1.2 million for Medicaid, education, & more over a decade Learn more about the importance of the Census here:
  • Washington Post commentary about the high poverty rates in The District: Long lines in D.C. shouldn’t be filled with the city’s poor.
  • About 1,500 are expected to attend a biannual event in MN that connects homeless people to social/medical services
  • Nearly 1 million at risk of losing jobless benefits due to block of jobless benefits extension
  • The Huffington Post: Homelessness Myth #8: One Size Fits All
  • Only One Homeless Person Remains in Times Square

** Recently two women at Calvary have moved into their own apartments and are in need of dressers. Can you help? If so, contact Catherine at

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