Friday Round-Up: this week in the news

  • With colder weather just around the corner, D.C. vows to improve homeless services this winter:
  • Check out the new documentary, The Other City! The film tells the story of the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic right here in Washington, D.C.
  • The New York Times reports a growing number of families in need of shelter: This could be an unfortunate consequence of unemployment – the latest statistics show that jobless rates rose in over half the states in the U.S. this last month:
  • Next week, the Senate will hold a hearing on the disturbing trend of hate crimes towards homeless individuals:
  • The Washington Post exposes some of the shortcomings in foreclosure system practices in America:
  • A new study shows that the social stigma associated with mental illness has not improved over the years:
  • The Census Bureau recently released a report on income, poverty, and health insurance in the U.S. You can view the newest statistics here:, or take a look at this interpretation of the findings:

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