Friday Round-up: this week in the news

  • Tight budgets lead agencies to introduce controversial practices for homeless men and women seeking shelter.
  • Cuts to mental health funds mean that many with chronic mental illness slip through the cracks.
  • Recent natural disasters around the country have left many without homes. But what about those who have been chronically homeless? One woman’s story:

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July 2, 2024

Good Hope Grand Reopening Celebration: Welcom…

Calvary Women’s Services celebrated a significant milestone at the Good Hope Grand Reopening Celebration at the end of June! Held at our flagship housing site in Anacostia, the event marked the com…
June 21, 2024

Heat Emergency in the District

As temperatures soar during the summer months, it’s essential to recognize the dangers of extreme heat and know how to stay safe. Heat emergencies pose a severe threat to individuals experiencin…
July 2, 2024

5 Ways to Support Calvary in July

Discover meaningful ways to make a difference this July by supporting Calvary Women’s Services! From supporting Calvary at Lost Generation Brewing Company to attending our Good Hope Open House, ther…