Volunteering: A Family Affair

Ebony Cook first connected with Calvary Women’s Services online while researching opportunities last summer for her daughter to fulfill community service hours she needed for school. This mother-daughter duo have been serving monthly meals at our Pathways program ever since!

Why do you volunteer with Calvary Women’s Services?

We started volunteering because we needed to accumulate community service hours for school. However, once my daughter had all the hours she needed, we stayed on because we knew volunteers were scarce and we just enjoy helping others. Its humbling to know that even with all of our own personal/financial problems (which are legion), we can still be a blessing to someone else.

What impact do you feel you have as a volunteer?

I know that they’ve impacted our lives greatly, because we realize that even though you struggle, you still have a lot to offer this world. Also, that by thinking of someone else’s well being, (total strangers at that), it takes the focus off of your issues and places them on someone else’s. The ladies of Pathways have been an inspiration to us both. They’re always smiling, always pleasant – just a great group of women to interact with and be around.

 What has been your most memorable experience at Pathways?

 I would have to say, our first meal visit. We were running late, the food was getting cold and needed to be re-heated. My daughter and I had no idea what we’re getting ourselves into. We were worried the meal wouldn’t be up to par. But everyone was so nice, from the staff to the residents… Just made us feel right at home. We sat and ate with the ladies, and had a really nice time. We were worried because we didn’t know what to expect and had absolutely nothing to worry about. The ladies seem to just appreciate us in general, and were all very gracious.

 What would you tell someone considering getting involved with Calvary?

To search your heart, figure out if its right for you, and if it is, stay as committed as possible. The ladies, and the organization itself, needs committed people.

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