Happy National Volunteer Week from Calvary!

In honor of National Volunteer Week, this week’s post comes from one of Calvary’s dedicated volunteers. Overnight volunteer Allison Komara is one of the over 300 people and groups who volunteer with us. If Allison’s story makes you want to get involved, visit the volunteering page on our website.

Why do you volunteer at Calvary?

Originally, I was looking for something to ground me a little bit. Calvary gave me something to put on my calendar and people who would expect me to be at a certain place at a certain time. Having things to do always makes me feel a little more like myself, I guess.

Now, I volunteer because I enjoy it (it sounds selfish, even to me!). At a very basic level though, I believe that all of us women are alike, that we fundamentally want a lot of the same things, and that some of us have simply had more luck and opportunity than others. A community is better off when its women are healthy, educated, and respected. It’s our job to look out for one another.

What do you like best about your work with Calvary?

I like slipping into the dining room in the evenings or in the morning during breakfast and listening to the ladies tell stories and jokes. It’s like being in the kitchen of a big family get-together. And they don’t expect me to be entertaining or funny, so I can just relax! Any one-liners I can add are considered a bonus.

What has been your most memorable experience at Calvary?

I’ve been at Calvary for six years, so there have been a lot. I was there around the day President Obama was inaugurated so the whole place was buzzing with excitement. Over all these years I’ve showed up after boyfriends and jobs that didn’t work out, but ended up laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe after we started talking about it!

What would you tell someone considering getting involved with Calvary?

I tell people all the time that when you’re an overnight volunteer, you’re not watching out for 25 women. You have 25 women watching out for you! Get involved with Calvary. There are so many ways to volunteer; work with Catherine to find one that works well for you. You’ll have fun doing it and make some friends along the way.

If you had to choose ONE word to describe Calvary, what would it be?


What are you looking forward to most about Calvary’s move to a new home on Good Hope Road?

The kitchen! We did a lot of fundraising to build the kitchen and the ladies are going to love it. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.

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