Questions for a Calvary Volunteer

Alexa Scott-Johnson is a University of Maryland student and a dedicated member of the Calvary volunteer family.  Since she began volunteering with us in November, she’s given 200-and-counting hours of her time as an overnight volunteer at our Pathways program. In today’s Volunteer Spotlight, Alexa shares her motivations, experiences and advice about volunteering with our readers…

Why do you volunteer at Calvary?
I volunteer at Calvary because homelessness is a serious problem in Washington, D.C., and I believe the programs that Calvary offers are an excellent approach to helping women in need make positive, long-term changes in their lives. I decided to become an overnight volunteer on certain weekend nights because it provides a valuable service and fits perfectly into my busy academic schedule.

What do you like best about your work with Calvary?
I like having the opportunity to communicate and connect with the women in the program. I am always impressed by their resilience, and it is fascinating to learn more about their lives and their hopes for the future.

What has been your most memorable experience at Calvary?
My most memorable experience at Pathways was definitely spending Christmas Eve there. That evening the ladies and I watched It’s a Wonderful Life and played board games, and on Christmas morning everyone had plenty of gifts to open. This was one of the most fun nights I have spent at Pathways, and it was wonderful to see the residents get so excited about the holidays. Also, knowing that I was spending my holiday evening doing something meaningful was a great feeling.

What would you tell someone considering getting involved with Calvary?
I would tell them to go for it! Volunteering is a very rewarding experience, and usually not too stressful.

If you had to choose one word to describe Calvary, what would it be?
Inspiring. It really is inspiring to see women overcome their difficult circumstances with the help of Calvary’s programs, and it is inspiring to be around other staff and volunteers that are committed to giving back to the community.

What are you looking forward to most about Calvary’s move to a new home on Good Hope Road?
I am looking forward to seeing more homeless women have the opportunity to turn their lives around! Since there are going to be more beds at the new location, Calvary is going to be able to benefit more people in need. I am excited to be a part of that.


If you want to be a part of the Calvary volunteer family too, contact to get started!

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