Meet Our New Development Staff!

Megan Gamble recently joined Calvary Women’s Services’ staff as a Development Associate, focusing on communications and events. She joins the fundraising team in their work to keep Calvary’s services fully funded and robust. We are happy to have her join us, and would like to introduce her here!

megan photo

1.        Tell us a little about yourself!

I’m originally from Kirkwood Missouri, which is a suburban community outside of St. Louis. (It’s actually the first planned suburb west of the Mississippi River, so it’s quite old.) I went to Knox College in Galesburg Illinois, where I had a great time double majoring in Gender and Women’s Studies and Political Science, as well as keeping busy with feminist activism. After graduation and some road tripping, I ended up in Minneapolis, Minnesota where I spent more than six years working in politics, social justice issues, and fundraising. I knew I was ready to leave the harsh winters behind, and started looking for work in DC after my last job wrapped up.

2.       How did you first get involved with Calvary?

As I was looking for a new job, I knew I wanted to work in fundraising, and hoped to do work with women. When I found the posting at Calvary, I was so excited about it that I was nervous to apply! I flew in for an interview, and was impressed by the brand new building, the organization’s commitment to holistic services, and the warm staff.

3.       What’s your favorite thing about working at Calvary so far?

The way everyone works together to make the dream of this organization work, each and every day. From the case managers to the dinner chef, everyone has an important role to play and we all do our best to make all the moving pieces come together!

4.       What are you looking forward to most about working at Calvary’s programs?

I’m looking forward to expanding our communications program and spreading the word about the great work Calvary is doing in DC. I’m also looking forward to seeing Calvary grow in this new space – I can tell that the new environment is very energizing.

5.       Share a fun fact about yourself!

I like heights! I enjoy flying in airplanes, visiting tall monuments or going to restaurants on the top floor. I’m looking forward to someday taking a hot air balloon ride, and trying skydiving.

Please help us in welcoming Megan to Calvary!

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