Volunteer Spotlight: Sharnikya Howard

Sharnikya, in green, volunteering with friends last month

Sharnikya, in green, volunteering with friends last month

When Sharnikya Howard started volunteering at Calvary Women’s Services, she had no idea that she would get back more than she gave. But her positive experiences have kept her coming back at least once a month for over two years!

How are you involved at Calvary Women’s Services?
I serve as a meal volunteer with a group of friends each month.

Why do you volunteer at Calvary?
I volunteer at Calvary because I enjoy spending time with the residents. We learn from each other, share experiences, and lift each other up.

What do you like best about your work with Calvary?
There is so much that I enjoy about my work with Calvary as a meal volunteer. I thoroughly enjoy having dinner with the Calvary ladies, sharing our stories, laughing, and planning our meals for the next month. We like to get creative by allowing the Calvary ladies to select the theme for the menu.

What has been your most memorable experience at Calvary?
One of my most memorable experiences at Calvary occurred when a group of the women we served moved on to independent living. It was a bittersweet moment because we had developed strong relationships with the ladies and to see them move on was exciting of course, but we knew we would miss them. I cried that day.

What has surprised you most about volunteering at Calvary?
As a volunteer group, we sought out to make a difference in the lives of the Calvary ladies. Our intention was not to just provide a meal but to provide fellowship and encouragement. We had no idea just how much the ladies would inspire us with their stories and resilience. It’s a blessing!

What would you tell someone considering getting involved with Calvary?
Do it, it will change your life!

If you had to choose one word to describe Calvary, what would it be?

If you would like to learn more about serving meals or learning about other volunteer opportunities, please contact Catherine Bisson at cbisson@calvaryservices.org or (202) 678-2341.

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