New Calvary Walking Group Promotes Healthy Living

Residents walking

Calvary residents head down a trail at Anacostia Park

This summer has been full of ways to be healthy at Calvary Women’s Services. Whether it’s learning about Tai Chi or enjoying veggies out of the generously donated CSA from Lancaster Farm Fresh, women at Calvary are taking advantage of every opportunity to build better health.

Last week, several women set out with Education Coordinator, Elaine Johnson, for a new healthy endeavor – a walking group! Twice a week, women at Calvary who are interested in walking can join the group as they stroll through nearby Anacostia Park.

During LEAP (Life Skills, Education and Arts Program) classes, women have had the chance to watch several videos about the health benefits of walking and other low-impact exercises. Elaine says that the gentle temperatures this month have been ideal for walking outside. Through a generous donation from CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, each woman at Calvary also received a pedometer that can be used to track steps.

Roberta, one of the residents participating in the walking group, commented, “These walks are already strengthening my knees!” Women have been enjoying taking pictures of boats on the river and looking at the wildflowers growing along the river banks.

Many thanks to CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield for supporting the walking group with a donation of pedometers!

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Members of the walking group show off the new pedometers that help them track their progress

Viewing the Anacostia

Women take a break during their walk to enjoy a view of the Anacostia River

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