Friday Round-Up: This Week in the News

“Poorer people don’t need more care at the end of the month for every kind of condition. Just the ones that get worse when you don’t have enough to eat.” Poverty is Literally Making People Sick Because They Can’t Afford Food (The Atlantic)

“These folks often arrive at hospital emergency rooms by ambulance, with medical crises that could have been prevented had they had access to consistent primary health care. This inefficient means of providing care is costly to our entire health care system and, ultimately, to every one of us.” The Graying of Homelessness (The Huffington Post)  

“The VA is midway through a multiyear plan aimed at eliminating homelessness among veterans by 2015, and has steadily been ramping up funding to the Support Services for Veteran Families Program, which provides grants to organizations providing services to veteran families with limited income.” VA Extends Homeless Veterans Program (Wall Street Journal)

“The bill, passed by the D.C. Council in September, raises the wage in steps, culminating in an $11.50 minimum in July 2016.” D.C. minimum wage hike is signed into law (Washington Post)

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