3rd Annual Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament

Last Saturday, members of the Calvary community, including members of our Board of Directors, donors, and other friends, let out their inner poker shark at Laughing Man Tavern in DC for the 3rd Annual Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament.poker night collage

Guests enjoyed complimentary appetizers and seasonal beverages provided by the Tavern, and played hands of either Texas Hold ‘Em or blackjack. After settling in at the poker tables, they engaged in round after spirited round of poker! The evening was a fun and festive one, and benefited Calvary’s expanding programs to boot!

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Many thanks to the event’s generous hosts , Wasfi Alnabki, Dani Mackey and Joanna Mason and to the friendly folks at the Laughing Man Tavern for their continued hospitality. And of course, big thanks to everyone who came out to support Calvary at the tournament! Check out our albums on Flickr and Facebook for the full photo set!

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