Volunteer Spotlight: Cara Morris Stern

If Calvary gave an award for longevity, Cara Morris Stern would definitely be a finalist! Cara has been a supporter of Calvary for over a decade. While her volunteer roles have changed over the years, her commitment has remained steadfast. As an Overnight Volunteer turned Meal Volunteer, Cara has always found a way to jump in. She frequently saves the day when a weekend Meal Volunteer shift needs fast coverage. We are so grateful for Cara’s passion to support the women of Calvary, and we are so lucky to count her among our volunteer family, even after all these years. Thank you, Cara!

Where are you from?
Boston, MA

Share a fun fact about yourself!
I think of myself as a really funny person, but I don’t think I have any fun facts. Apparently I’m a walking contradiction.

How did you first hear about Calvary?
I was looking for volunteer opportunities that had non-traditional hours to fit my work schedule. I found Calvary online and started doing overnight shifts, which was perfect for my schedule… until I had kids!

Why do you volunteer at Calvary?
I volunteer at Calvary because I love the holistic approach they take to helping women in a time of need.

What do you like best about your work with Calvary?
I have never met volunteer coordinators who are more dedicated, kind, flexible and hard-working. They make volunteering a joy, not a job.

What has been your most memorable experience at Calvary?
When I first started volunteering, I met a woman who was about to move into her own home. She was so excited and so thankful to Calvary for giving her that chance. We both cried!

What has surprised you most about volunteering at Calvary?
After making breakfast during my first overnight shift, so many women sincerely thanked me for being there.

What would you tell someone considering getting involved with Calvary?
It doesn’t matter how much time or money you have, Calvary can bring you into the family in a way that fits your life and their needs.

If you had to choose one word to describe Calvary, what would it be?

Meal Volunteers such as Cara support the residents at Calvary by serving tasty and nutritious dinners and lunches on the weekends. If you would like to learn more about volunteering at Calvary, please contact Catherine Bisson at cbisson@calvaryservices.org or (202) 678-2341.

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