Two Weeks until #GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesday is only two weeks away! This week we highlight Trish, another Calvary Captain who is funneling her love for Calvary Women’s Services into raising funds and awareness for #GivingTuesday. One of the ways Trish shows her #Calvaryspirit is by talking about the organization with friends and peers who also care about volunteering and giving back. Thank you, Trish, for all of the ways that you show your support!

Visit our #GivingTuesday page to make a donation any time between now and December 2.

Why do you support Calvary?
I support Calvary for the wonderful and necessary work that the organization does.

If you had to choose one word to describe Calvary, what would it be?

What motivated you to become a Calvary Captain for #GivingTuesday?
I was motivated to become a Captain because I would like to help Calvary. I also very much like the idea of countering the commercialism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

How do you show your #Calvaryspirit?
I have talked at length with my friends about my experiences at Calvary. I am a member of the Washington Ethical Society, which shares similar values as Calvary such as “We believe in offering everyone support to reach their highest potential.”

What is one of your favorite things about the holidays?
I think it’s wonderful that people focus on each other during the holidays. I deeply believe in the spirit of love.

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