Volunteer Spotlight: Roxanne Salas

roxanne volunteer spotlightWhat Roxanne Salas feels when she walks into Calvary Women’s Services twice a month is a comforting sensation that many people experience. Roxanne says, “I love walking through the front doors and immediately feeling that I have entered a nurturing and safe space.” As a regular overnight volunteer, Roxanne plays an important part in helping residents feel completely safe and secure. We are so grateful that Roxanne chooses to volunteer her time at Calvary!


Where are you from?
I am originally from Moorpark, California.

How did you first hear about Calvary?
One of my college buddies used to work as an overnight volunteer and he recommended that I get involved.

Why do you volunteer at Calvary?
I believe that there are no simple, general solutions that adequately address the seemingly insurmountable problems many individuals face in D.C., such as homelessness, domestic violence, or mental illness. I am proud to work with an organization such as Calvary, which offers programs that provide long-term and specifically crafted services to women who have found themselves in need of direction and opportunity.

What has been your most memorable experience at Calvary?
My favorite memory by far has been running into a former resident on the Metro. I had heard that she successfully completed her program and it was great to see her out and about, taking the city by storm.

What has surprised you most about volunteering at Calvary?
How fast the time has gone. It seems only yesterday residents were helping me get through my first overnight shifts, and not I get to show some of the rookie volunteers the ropes.

If you had to choose one word to describe Calvary, what would it be?

Share a fun fact about yourself!
In college I used to walk my university’s mascot, Jack the Bulldog (Hoya Saxa!). This was an unpaid position I had to apply for, and I was put on the waitlist for a whole semester. Of course it was completely worth the wait, though a bit humbling.

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