Calvary to Host 15th Annual Hope Awards Dinner

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Every spring, hundreds of supporters of Calvary Women’s Services attend the Hope Awards Dinner to celebrate the achievements of women at Calvary. Please join us for a night of women’s empowerment on Wednesday, May 18. The 15th Annual Hope Awards Dinner will be held at the beautiful Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center.

The Hope Awards Dinner honors influential individuals who embody Calvary’s philosophy of empowerment. Past honorees include Katie Couric; NPR’s Diane Rehm; and Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton. Last year’s esteemed honoree was Rosie Allen-Herring, president and CEO of United Way of the National Capital Area.

The Hope Awards Dinner is a special tradition for Calvary, and each year the event gets bigger and better. One highlight of the Hope Awards Dinner is everyone sharing in the personal triumph of a woman at Calvary as she tells her story. This year we are excited to incorporate stories of women from diverse backgrounds as part of the Women Empowering Women campaign.

It is not too early to purchase your tickets for the Hope Awards Dinner! All proceeds will support Calvary’s housing, health, education and employment programs for women who are ending their homelessness. Visit to purchase your tickets.

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