Volunteer Spotlight: Kendall Kirk

This month we are excited to extend a warm welcome to Kendall Kirk, our new intern for the spring semester. Kendall is a sophomore at George Washington University, and is working at Calvary three days per week. She’ll be supporting our education program, volunteer and community engagement programs, and will work with the development department on this year’s Hope Awards Dinner.

Kendall is also pioneering our new front desk volunteer role, which will allow us to free up staff time so they can continue to provide critical support and services to women living at Calvary. If she answers the phone when you call our office, or if you hear from her about volunteer opportunities or events this spring, be sure to give her a warm welcome.

Where are you from?
Weston, Connecticut

Share a fun fact about yourself!
I can hula-hoop for over two hours straight! Also, I’ve knit scarves and hats for every member of my family.

How are you involved at Calvary Women’s Services?
I am the Community Engagement Intern here at Calvary.

How did you first hear about Calvary?
I get a weekly newsletter from the Nashman Center for Public Service and Civic Engagement (at GWU) and Calvary was listed as a community partner to get involved with.

What do you like best about your work with Calvary?
I like that my work is dynamic, that I’m doing different things and serving Calvary in different ways every time I come in. I also like getting to know the staff and members at Calvary, as I think engagement is a key element in community building and authentic service.

What has been your most memorable experience at Calvary?
My most memorable experience was adding my pledge to the Sari for Climate Change (as part of a LEAP activity); I pledged to compost more.

What has surprised you most about working at Calvary?
I was surprised at how welcoming everyone was. I felt like a part of the team on the first day!

What would you tell someone considering getting involved at Calvary?
I would tell them to look through our different volunteering options and apply on our website as soon as possible, this is an incredible community to be a part of.

If you had to choose one word to describe Calvary, what would it be?

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