Reflections on Martin Luther King, Jr.

Since 1986, Americans have observed Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a way to honor the life & achievements of the civil rights leader. To celebrate, women at Calvary Women’s Services took a moment to reflect on Dr. King’s legacy and what they think people should remember about him.

What does Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy mean to you?

“Change!” -Tanya

“His dream that our country will live out the values that all people were created equal.” -Gayle

“To me, his legacy means dedication to equal rights and the courage to stand up for African Americans.” -Lorraine

What do you think people should remember about Martin Luther King Jr.?

“That he was a leader, an activist, a preacher, a teacher, a loving husband and father, and a man that fought for equal rights.” –Nicole

“He fought for the freedom of all races!” -Tanya

“People should remember that he fought for justice & equality and that he fought for every man and woman of every race to be treated equally.” –Faith

“For me, he got people to realize that there’s no race except the human race.” –Gayle

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