Volunteer Spotlight: The Price Family

Anna and Everett Price are meal volunteers at Calvary Women’s Services. Once a month they bring dinner to women at Calvary, but they don’t do it alone. Each month the Prices bring their children and a group of friends.  “We have a lot of help from many people. It’s a big meal and we split it up among all of us.”

We had a chance to talk to them about their experiences volunteering at Calvary, and why they think it’s important to volunteer as a family.

How did you first get involved with Calvary?

We were searching for a while for someplace where we could volunteer with friends, regularly, and meet the people we were serving. Organizing and making the meal is a lot of work, but getting to eat with the women makes it all worth it! We also wanted someplace where kids could come and potentially help as they got older.

What has been your most interesting or memorable experience volunteering at Calvary?

We have all had many memorable conversations with the women, and talking with them is what makes volunteering so special. One that sticks out though, was when there was a woman in the group one year who was from another country. Everett knew her country’s language and spoke to her in it. You could tell she was really moved, and it helped her feel more “at home.”

Have you learned anything unexpected during your time at Calvary?

One unexpected thing that we have learned is that so many of the women have children and families, and that they often really appreciate seeing our boys there. They have loved seeing them grow as the months passed. 

Would you encourage other families to volunteer together?

We would definitely encourage other families to volunteer together. We think it’s hugely important for kids (and adults) to understand that we are all part of a larger family, and that small things like a meal and a conversation can be things that help others but help you as well, by breaking out of yourself. 

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