Determined to Be Successful: Debra’s Story

I lost my job, my health, my home, and my self-esteem.” Before arriving at Calvary Women’s Services, Debra was struggling with alcohol abuse. For over 20 years she had kept her sobriety, supporting her large family and everyone around her.

When a close loved one passed away, however, the pressure became too much. Overwhelmed and exhausted, she turned to alcohol. “I was under tremendous stress. Alcoholism practically destroyed my life until I looked in the mirror one day and said you need help.”

Determined not to let it get the best of her, Debra sought help. She found a shelter that specialized in helping people manage their substance abuse issues. After regaining her sobriety, Debra began to look toward the next steps. That’s when her case manager recommended she come to Calvary.

At Calvary, Debra is thriving. “Calvary has helped me with self-esteem. I love myself more today than ever. If you’re looking for a change you have to change within yourself.

After arriving, she quickly enrolled in Step Up DC, our job placement program. She has spent the past several months polishing her resumé and working on her job interviewing skills. Already, she’s landed some interviews. “I just can’t wait to get back out there and become successful.

It won’t be long until Debra has a job again, and a steady source of income. Now fully sober, she looks forward to moving into her own home and living independently. “This program works if you work it. I have all my tools now. I’m content, I’m confident, and I know I’m special.”

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