Looking Toward the Future: We are Hiring!

One of Calvary’s core values is excellence. For us, this means providing the best housing, health, education and workforce programs to every woman, every day. It is a big task, but one our staff remains committed to even as we grow our services and housing programs.

Over the last year, Calvary has added over 30 new slots of transitional and permanent housing to its continuum. In early 2023 we will expand our rental assistance program, offering more women a bridge from supported housing to their own apartments. Our employment services, education program, and wellness services will grow to meet the needs of the women these housing programs will serve.

As we strive to meet our goal for excellence while serving more women, we are expanding our senior staff team to include a Clinical Director. By adding an experienced clinician to our team, we intend to deepen our clinical supervision, increase the trauma-informed care training and support for our staff team, and expand the health and wellness services for our clients.

How will this position impact Calvary’s work? It will ensure that more women, like Andrea, get the resources and support they need to live full and healthy lives.

Andrea had grown up surrounded by violence and substance abuse. She was shuttled from house to house as a kid, living a chaotic life that continued into adulthood. Andrea says that she never had a stable home or a consistent support network until she came to Calvary.

The caring staff and structured program provided much needed stability to Andrea’s life. After several weeks, she started to trust those around her. She began to open up and talk about the trauma she had experienced.  Andrea’s case manager connected her to a therapist and the mental health care she needed.  

Over time Andrea moved beyond the isolation and fear that kept her hiding in her bedroom. She began to build friendships with other women and engaged in Calvary’s Life Skills classes and programs. With support, Andrea was able to reconnect with some of her family in a positive way and start building a relationship with her adult son. 

Andrea recently moved into her own home in a supportive housing community. There she has her own private space yet still has access to the emotional support and safety net she needs when her mental illness becomes difficult to manage. Andrea has more trust in herself and others and is happy to have achieved a healthy independence.

Over 60 percent of the women experiencing homelessness in our city have survived violence and trauma. Like Andrea, their paths to ending their homelessness for good requires quality health care, educational opportunities, and consistent support from experienced staff. Calvary is committed to offering this level of support and high-quality services to each of the women who come to our doors. By adding a Clinical Director to our team, we remain firmly on the path toward achieving excellence in the housing and services we offer to women in DC.

The Clinical Director posting can be found on LeaderFit’s website.

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