Celebrate Hope with Calvary

At Calvary, one of our favorite ways to mark the season is through our annual Hope Gala, formerly known as the Hope Awards, which is taking place on April 26th. We are thrilled to bring together community leaders, dedicated supporters, and businesses to celebrate women who are working to overcome their homelessness for good.

As our biggest fundraising event of the year, the Hope Gala is an incredible evening filled with uplifting stories about our impact from Calvary supporters and the women we serve. Guests also have the opportunity to bid on incredible items and unique packages during exciting live and silent auctions.

During last year’s Hope Gala, Angela, a former Calvary client, highlighted the growth she experienced during her time with us. She spoke of her success, saying “Calvary really helped me…I’m stronger, I can feel a difference from then to now.”

Each year, a leader who has shown incredible dedication to improving the lives of women is presented with the Hope Award. The award is a unique piece of artwork or poetry created by women in Calvary’s programs and reflects the evening’s theme of hope. Past recipients include activist Dolores Huerta, co-founder of BET Sheila C. Johnson, journalist Katie Couric, and Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton.

In addition to the Hope Award, Calvary recognizes our corporate partners who have had a significant impact on our programs with the Partner of the Year Award. We are excited to announce that this year’s award will recognize our corporate partner, Capital One.

As Angela said, “Calvary is family to me.” We hope you and your loved ones will join Calvary at this year’s Hope Gala to celebrate our achievements and all that is to come! You can purchase your tickets here.

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