homeless students
Friday Round-up: this week in the news
New York Times piece on how the government is working to fight homelessness: http://nyti.ms/T4nfq0 “…individuals who experience mental health symptoms are no more likely than anyone else to commit violent acts.”  http://bit.ly/T53zVd Seven fa…
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Friday Round-up: this week in the news
The number of students who are homeless in one DC suburb is expected to reach new record of 2,500 students as homelessness grows: http://wapo.st/RWJrCk A local rabbi and pastor weigh in about the rise of homeless families in DC, and the scarcity of…
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Friday Round-up: this week in the news
A look at the impact of government programs on poverty rates: http://wapo.st/QYSCmk “I was embarrassed. I was 14, and I was homeless.” – one student’s story about being homeless in high school: http://n.pr/TdE97y Mental health budget cuts ac…
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Friday Round-up: this week in the news
The challenges of “screening” for domestic violence: http://reut.rs/NpzKvU New York City – along with DC – has seen huge increases in shelter needs over the past year: http://nyti.ms/OmQ8x2 Summer is winding down and school will be starting…
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