Sandra Evers-Manly
11th Annual Hope Awards Dinner
Exec. Director Kris Thompson with Sandra Evers-Manly, emcee Steve Rudin, and Board President Tracy Ballard. For the past 11 years, Calvary Women’s Services has honored individuals in the community who offer hope and support to women in need at our…
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Meet the Hope Awards Honorees
Eleven years ago, Calvary Women’s Services celebrated our first Hope Awards Dinner. The event supported the work of Calvary Women’s Services and brought people who offer hope and empowerment to women in need to the forefront of the community. Pas…
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Celebrating Hope
“Calvary brought the hope back. It brought the future back. It brought light at the end of the tunnel back.” [youtube=] If you were at last year’s Hope Awards Dinner, you may remember those words from t…
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