November 7, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown – 12 Days Until t…

This week for the Countdown, we’re bringing you the stories of two Captains that have more in common than their enthusiasm for the Walkathon – they’re also sisters! First up is Liz Bolton: Liz (…
November 2, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown - 17 Days Until the…

This is Abie Siegel’s second Walkathon. You may remember that she wrote us a great blog post to close out our Captain Countdown last year! Abie is excited to walk again this year because: “I love…
August 30, 2011

Volunteering: A Family Affair

Ebony Cook first connected with Calvary Women’s Services online while researching opportunities last summer for her daughter to fulfill community service hours she needed for school. This mother-dau…
August 2, 2011

Five Questions for a Calvary Volunteer

Justin Orrison is a newcomer to the Calvary volunteer family! After finding us through Arlington County’s volunteer website, he began this spring as an evening volunteer, welcoming women home at nig…
April 26, 2011

A Volunteer's Story

To wrap up Volunteer Appreciation Month, we have a special guest blogger today. Molly Cohen has been a dedicated overnight volunteer, spending over 35 nights in the past year at Calvary Women’s Shel…
April 8, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

Women’s health funding is at the center of the potential government shutdown. For the latest: NPR on hidden ways that budget cuts could disproportionately hurt women: http://n…
March 29, 2011

Volunteer Appreciation Month Kick-off

Western Presbyterian meal volunteers There’s a famous quote by Mark Twain that “actions speak louder than words.” What is often left out of that great line is the second half—“actions speak…
March 22, 2011

When a Hairstyle Means More than Just a New L…

Last Monday, Patrice from CommunPR coordinated The New You Project at Randolph Cree Salon on Capitol Hill for the women at Calvary. A team of stylists, manicurists, and a make-up artist pampered resid…
November 30, 2010

5 Ways to Get Involved During the Holiday Sea…

Next to late season snow storms that keep the ski areas open through April, the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas is my favorite time of year.  Everything smells better—evergreen, cinnamon,…
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